Busia Municipality

Busia Municipality


Busia town lies within two Divisions of Township in Busia Sub-county and Chakol in Teso Sub-county in Busia County. It has two Locations - Township location has two sub locations (Central Mjini and Mayenje) and Angorom location has three sub locations (Alupe, Agoloto andAmerikwai). Busia town is divided into two (2) county electoral units – Burumba and Angorom.


To be a vibrant, sustainable and competitive gateway to Kenya with an edge in the areas of hospitality, safety, housing and efficient infrastructure.

Our Mandate

Our mandate is to administer and manage the municipality of Busia as per the municipality charter and urban areas and cities act.

The Municipality also serves as the headquarters of Busia County plays a major functional role as a gateway to Uganda and the central African countries. It is a major Commercial hub on this apart of the county. These Commercial activities include: - Hotels, Wholesale & Retail shops, Banks, Clearing and Forwarding offices. There are various Institutions both Public and Private – within Town e.g. Newly established Medical Training College, at Alupe and Busia Level 5 Hospital, KEMRI, KEFRI, Rehabilitation and Orphan Homes, Youth polytechnic etc. There are small scale industrial activities such as bakeries, juakali among others.


  • Ensuring provision of services to residents, Developing and adopting policies, plans, strategies and programs for efficient running of the Municipality.
  • Formulating and implementing integrated development Plans,Controlling land use, land sub divisions for various development purposes within the framework of the spatial and master plans for the municipality as may be delegated by County Government, Developing and managing schemes, including site development in collaboration with the relevant National and County Agencies, Maintaining a comprehensive database and information system for the municipality, Enforcing the fees, levies and charges as may be authorized by the County Government for delivery of services.
  • Implementing applicable national and county legislation, Preparing the annual budget estimates for consideration by the County Treasury and transmission to the County Assembly for approval, Coordination and facilitating citizen participation in the development of policies and plans for delivery of services, Promoting a safe and healthy environment, Facilitating and regulating public transport, Any other duties as assigned from time to time.


Our key achievements include infrastructural development within the municipality from key built markets, bitumen roads, high mast lights, dust bins, bus parks, taxi parks and recreational parks and storm drains

Our future plans is to create more public markets, municipal master plan, more tarmac roads, public lights, expand our boundaries to cover MundikaBundokomi and OchudeKemodo Areas.

We also aim to expand sewerage systems, trailer park and general organization of municipality as per master plan and increase revenue streams that will include car parking fees and trailer fees. All these plans are geared towards establishing a 24-hour economy within our jurisdiction so as to improve the residents' quality of life.


Mr. Patrick Oundo Wangalwa.
He is the current Busia
municipal board chairperson.

Mrs. Mary Magero, and educationist
by profession, is the current
vice chairperson of Busia
municipal board.

Dr. George Kwedho is an
accomplished engineer and
member of Busia municipal board.

Bro. John Kwoba is an experienced
social worker and member of
Busia municipal board.

Mr. Khadondi Victor Elisha, is a
renowned teacher and member
of Busia municipal board.

Ms. Connex Mwaro is an
industrialist and member of
Busia municipal board.

Mr. Peter Omeri Oteba is a
renowned economist and member
of Busia municipal board.

Mr. Nobert Wabwire Omanyo.
The Municipal Manager and
secretary to the board.


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